
Contacts for Australia

Australian Sailing

Discover Sailing 


Sailability Clubs

Sailability Sailors


Sailability ACT 

New South Wales

Sailability NSW 

Northern Territory

Discover Sailing 


Sailability Queensland 

South Australia

Sailability South Australia


Sailability Tasmania 

  • Hobart
  • Launceston
  • Wynyard


Sailability Victoria 

Western Australia

Sailability Western Australia

25 thoughts on “Australia”

  1. to whom it may concern,
    backgI currently work with a group of adults with a disability from Scope day and lifestyle options. The group are called the “speak out” group and use the meetings to advocate about programs they would like to be involved in. At the start of the year all participants said they would like to be more active, try new sports and be linked into the local community. Following on from this we have just finished a 18 week program called the “get active” program, which involved linking in with mainstream sporting clubs to provide the group with opportunities to try new things. (I have attached the program that has just finished as a guideline).
    Some of the sports tried so far have been, cricket, football, tennis, gentle exercise and the group are currently doing dancing. Also included was a keeping safe program delivered by 2 officers from the proactive unit in Keilor.

    The program has been such a great success that we are planning to run it again in term 2. We are currently looking for other opportunities for the group and calling out to sporting organisations that may be interested in participating. The program is ran on a Tuesday morning between the hours of 10 and 12 pm, and will run from mid October to the start of December.

    We are holding an information night (flyer also attached) with a presentation from participants of the program so far, as well inviting new potential participants and organisations in the local are.
    Please contact me fi you need any further information.

  2. I would like to know where you get the hoists made that you use for transfers for clients from their wheelchairs to boats? My daughter goes to you and loves it and the hoist would be perfect for us on our pool. Can you give me any information??

    1. Hi Chris. Most of the cranes that are used by programs in Australia come from Hansa Sailing, who manufacture the Hansa boats (they were formerly called Access but changed their name). Their website is and search for C-Crane.

  3. Hi
    Do you currently have any sailability programs running on a Saturday around the Port Philip Bay area.
    I am supporting a client under the NDIS who loves boats and Kayaks

  4. Hi, have been asked by an Aust state Sailability association to make contact re usability of links to Sailability branches. Can you let me know who moderates this site.
    Many thanks
    Graeme Adam

  5. I have a 21 foot sailing boat (a Midnight 21) moored at Clare Beach. The boat is similar to a Hood 23.

    I am giving up sailing this now as it is too far from where I live and so I want to give it away.

    Is this something you could use for your organisation. Boat is in reasonable condition, registered and is sailable now. Any interest

    1. Hi David. We suggest you contact the Sailability group in your state. Each state/club have different needs and facilities. Thanks for thinking of donating your boat to Sailability.

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