14 thoughts on “New Zealand”

  1. Hi,
    I want to let you know that our new web-site is up and active.
    I wonder whether you could add it to your contacts list please?
    John MacDuff
    Sailability Nelson Trust

    1. Hi – thanks for getting in touch. Sailability Tauranga has now been added to the New Zealand page. Cheers!

  2. Sent an email but it did not save onto this site. SNZ, can u confirm u are receiving emails.
    Graeme Adam
    Sailability Australia

  3. Hi There, I am wanting a Sailability Waikato logo for our soon to be website (We are building it now) & I wondered how I can get one please? So the blue sail with a wave thru it & the words over laid.
    If you can help me please, that would be great.

    1. Hi Pete
      The link to your Facebook page is already on the website – you just have to click the FB logo next to your name.
      If you also have a website, let me know and I will add a hyperlink for that also.

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